
Art, mixed media

Galaxy Hair Girl✨

All feelings are useful, even sad feelings can be transformed into something healing. So never feel bad for expressing them.

Here I created a sad galaxy haired girl. This piece was created intuitively and expressed what I was feeling at the time, although sad, I feel this piece is hopeful, in knowing we are all apart of the universe.

I experimented with graphite pencils for her face and hair details; and used a mix of watercolour paint, metallic pan watercolours, white paint pen and glitter in her hair as well.

You can see the different colours of blue and purple in her hair. The sparkles of the stars and pops of glitter.

✨ How does this piece make you feel?

Took this snap as I was creating the galaxy hair girl. Sometimes I work on another piece at the same time, and use the same watercolours or medium. This is a great tip to use left over paint or other mediums.

Art, art journaling, mixed media

She is Fire 🔥

Never forget that you are fire! You got this, you are powerful & you can achieve anything!

I remember creating this piece, at first I wasn’t the most happiest with her, at the ‘ugly’ stage. But I let go and just went with my creativity not expecting an outcome. Creativity, like life isn’t always perfect, and sometimes you just have to enjoy the process, and not get too caught up with where you will end up.

I played around with alcohol markers, ink pens, white paint pens, pencils, gold ink and glitter! After creating I always remember how fun it is to let go and just play.

I really love how she turned out, so fierce, she knows she is fire. Energy that can destroy and renew. She is powerful and she can achieve her dreams!

Art, art journaling, mixed media

Golden Flower Girl + First Speed Painting

She was surrounded by golden flowers. Don’t forget to surround yourself with people and things that light you up inside✨

Created this Golden Flower Girl in my journal sketch book. The process was intuitive and used various mixed media – Caran d’Ache Neocolor II, black ink pen, white paint pen, gold ink and glitter glue for extra sparkly details. When painting intuitively you never really know the outcome, I love how she turned out, with her tranquil facial expression and powerful calm energy. The golden flowers surround her, embracing her with golden loving energy.

I also created my first speed painting with her. It’s not perfect, but I tried and thats all that really matters. Here’s to more speed paintings in the future.

The glamorous studio set up that is also a kitchen/dining/art table!
Art, art journaling, mixed media, WIP

WIP: Oceanic girl mixed media & letting go

I’ve been feeling a bit uncreative lately and just wanted to let go. I grabbed an old realestate catalogue (the paper is quality) and began putting down some white gesso and then let loose with some abstract paint brush strokes. I just let the page guide me and grabbed some other paper collage elements, which inspired me to form this mermaid like girl. The page is inspired by ocean creatures and patterns. She’s still a work in progress, and I’m taking my time with her, I’ve been learning to enjoy the creation process and not rush to the finish.

Art, art journaling, Design, Handmade, Illustration

Learning to love mixed-media

portrait girl - Haus of Artistry


A long time ago, in high school, I didn’t really appreciate mixed media art. As many others, I too thought it was a lesser art practice, just something to create for a larger piece of art, or something left in your sketchbook. As artist’s, not to generalise, I think we are taught that each medium has a specific use, we can only use that one with itself; eg charcoal drawing on paper, or watercolour on paper, or acrylic on canvas. Non of these mediums are to be mixed.


Well that has all changed. It changed in the middle of 2013, it wasn’t the best year, when I found art journaling. How I found art journaling can be left for another post in the future. But it has so very much to do with art journaling, as it is how I ‘re-discovered’ mixed-media, and of course art play. Mixed media and art play go together hand in hand. As picking up a medium and asking yourself what it can be mixed with is inquisitive, and then of course mixing and interacting two or more mediums is play. It is the simplest way of creating art, stemmed from early childhood. Just like children play to learn, we can discover many ways to play with our own art supplies.


And this is one of the reasons I fell in love with mixed-media. It is playful, and also very freeing creatively, but also emotionally. I love playing around with different mediums to achieve amazing results. But I think what I love most too, is the emotional freedom that comes from playing and creating mixed-media works. There are no rules, you can do anything you want. The whole creative world is at your finger tips.

How do you feel about mixed-media?


*  I created this girl in my handmade art journal using black marker pen, white paint pen, and some water-soluble wax crayons, on a brown paper bag.


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Art, Design, Illustration, Uncategorized, Vintage

I’m moving + update

i'm moving illustration

Hello everyone!

I haven’t posted anything for a while, this is due to several reasons. I’ve been really busy with uni at the moment, so I have to focus on that. And I have been thinking a lot about my blog lately.

I actually had my one year blog anniversary last month, I didn’t post anything special for it, but I did want to thank everyone who views, follows and comments on here! Thank you! I really appreciate it and it makes me very happy that you enjoy the blog, and I love reading all your nice comments! So thank you again!

Ok, so I’ve decided to change things up a bit. And have decided to move! What I will do is create a new blog where I will just show my op-shopped and vintage pieces! I have a more appropriate name for that blog, but the layout will be similar to this blog.

Since I started this blog it has developed into an op-shop and vintage themed blog. My initial intention was to create an art, design and op-shop blog. But I think that it’s a bit confusing for people, so I’m separating the two themes.

But don’t worry, I’m keeping Haus of Artistry alive! This blog will be dedicated to my art and design work, and things that inspire me that are arty. I might also change this blogs layout, so keep an eye out.

I think this shall be a good change, and it’s very exciting for me! And hope that this is exciting for you all as well!

I just wanted to update you all, and know that I haven’t left the blogging world! When I finish the new blog I will let you all know about it, and I’ll link you to it.

Thank you again! I will post in a few weeks time!

Art, Illustration

Happy Halloween

Hope everyone had a nice halloween! I was stuck doing assignments…poo. Here in Australia halloween isn’t as celebrated as in other parts of the world, so it did’t feel much like halloween anyway.

I was supposed to post this on the day, but better late then never. I made this illustration a couple of months ago, but thought it would be perfect to post for halloween.

It was created in watercolour and ink and is entitled ‘Witchy Shoe’. I was inspired by 1920s illustration styles and 50s pin-up shoes.